March 13, 2015

1930's fashion photographs

Wow! You've come up with so many great comments about my attempt at making myself a 1930's dress. Both here and on We Sew Retro-Sew and Tell
Among many other things, I've learned that: Yes very soft and limp fabrics are very important for the 1930's look, the original dresses my have been very unshaped and fashion illustrations are very fanciful whatever the era...

In the mean time, I've finished the dress and I will take proper pictures and talk a bit more about it and the experience of making it in the weekend. Oh, and for those of you who wondered about the (short) length: I followed the pattern exactly. The only reason it's longer in the first muslin is that I didn't fold up the 3 5/8" hem there. I had also expected the dress to be longer but the waist length is right and the hem hits my leg at the same point as it does in the illustration. 

Today, I thought it would be nice to look at some fashion photographs from the 1930's. I figured that would be the best way to learn about what was considered to be the proper fit of a dress, what an ideal body shape looked like and how the fashionable silhouette changed over the decade. 

These first pictures are from the Dutch Mode- en Handwerkalbum from spring 1933. 

Shapes are not that loose (not really close-fitted either but certainly not as baggy as that first toile of mine) but belts are definitely not used to cinch waists, like in the 1950's. And the ideal figure seems to have very little difference between waist and hip. Nor between bust and waist, for that matter. 

This one image comes from the French sewing magazine La Femme Elegante which, unfortunately, only published photographs of its knitting patterns. The shape seems pretty much unchanged.

The following pictures are probably the most interesting in relation to my dress. They are from the same year, 1937 but the dress I made came from the USA, these pictures were published in the German magazine Beyer's Mode.

This first suit actually looks quite 1940's to me. And isn't it great they've printed the illustration of the same outfit next to it?

The dresses, on the other hand, look as you would expect for 1930's. Pretty sleek fitting though. And is it my imagination or has the waist-to-hip ratio increased a bit?

There are more design elements which add width at the hips: The occasional A-line skirt, tunics, peplums. All of that makes me feel like these styles would be friendlier to a girl with hips...

Oh, and there are pyjama's in this magazine, meant to be worn in the morning, at home. Those trousers are very wide but rather alluring in those thin drape-y fabrics.

And finally, a couple of pictures from Libelle. These are from there report about the Paris shows for autumn/winter 1939/40 so it shouldn't be surprising that everything here looks 1940's.

And can I draw any conclusions based on this? Well... Some, I think. Of course, all the pictures above are carefully styled, photographed and retouched images of (very likely) professional models. Normal women probably didn't look quite so sleek and poised. It does tell us something about the beauty ideals at the time though. According to these pictures, on the perfect figure, fashionable dresses should fit smoothly. That perfect figure is not super-skinny but has very few curves at the beginning of the decade and slowly gains shape towards 1940. Quite to my surprise, there were no huge shoulders in any of these images (I have seen those in pictures from the 1940's). Gathered, pleated or darted sleeve caps and extra room at the upper arm, yes, but no high padded constructs. 
So, it seems I wasn't wrong in wanting my 1937 dress to fit more closely but I probably can't get a 'real' 1930's look because my body shape isn't right for that.  


  1. How interesting Michou. I like the detail on the undergarments, that's such an important factor. Shame I can't read your blog, the pictures are good! I also like your knitting on Ravelry which I have seen sometime ago.

  2. For those drapey garments of the thirties I believe bias cut was very important to get that look of "just skimming the body".

    Did your pattern have instuctions for on grain or bias cut? The model looked to me to be one that benefits from bias cut. It elongates the lines and snugs the garment closer to the body when worn wich might make the too large size just right.

    1. Hi Sofie. That's the thing with 1930's styles: Looking at the illustrations, you often expect a garment to be bias cut but, judging from the patterns in my collection, very few actually are. My 1937 pattern is supposed to be cut on grain and that's what I did. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the sleek dresses worn by celebreties of the day were usually bias cut but dresses for normal women inspired by those were not. After all, cutting on the bias takes a lot of fabric and the 1930's were a time of economical hardship in many parts of the world.

  3. Actually I think the frequent seam lines on the bodice of thirties dresses give the use of bias away. Seams on the bodice of many of the close fitting drapey garment go on the diagonal. I'm guessing that it's because the bodice or all of the dress is cut on the bias and that makes the seams mostly on grain or cross grain wich prevents seams stretching out of shape.

  4. And a couple of layers of soft flowy undergarments help with the soft lines.

  5. Hi Michou! Great to see you here on the blog ;)
    Of course I don't mind the long comment... Not like this, when it's just because you have a lot of interesting things to tell, which are all appropriate.
    You are definitely right about the developments in under- and shape wear and about the how the model's pose and the camera angle can influence the look.
    But still, my magazine collection gives me some idea about the changing silhouettes of the 1920's and 1930's and those usually suggest a closer fit for the late 1930's, just like the pictures in this post. That's why I was surprised when the 1937 pattern was so big on me...
