June 3, 2013

Me-Made-May considerations

It is a bit late for a round-up of my experiences of Me-Made-May, so I thought I'd better get on with it. 
First of all, I did keep to my pledge of wearing only me-made clothes (which did make me realize how often I still reach for those black spaghetti strap tops, the basic black t-shirt and my vintage silk blouse) and I made the promised second bra with coordinating panties.
I didn't keep it up to document my outfits every day though. And although I was very interested in what others were doing, I didn't spend a lot of time browsing the Flickr pool after the second week. 
I have an excuse though. At my work, the months of May and June are always the busiest of the entire year. As a result, I spend five to six days a week in me-made, presentable, nice-ish but essentially not very exciting clothes without time to take proper pictures. After a week and a half of self-portraits in a mirror with a phone camera, I was sick of it and I couldn't imagine anyone else enjoying more of those pictures (although MMM commenters have been nothing but kind of them).
I did do something kind of new with the pictures though: On the weekends, I let E to take some snapshots of my outfits, either around the house or while we were outside. He has taken the occasional picture for the blog before, but somehow I never got around to asking him to that more often. And the results are nice: less posed, more smiles and more interesting surroundings than my usual bit of white wall between the living room door and the dining table... I think I may just keep doing that.

But, I don't think Me-Made-May is just about any individual seamstress. It seemed very much like a collective effort. All these lovely, creative individuals sharing the fruits of their labour and encouraging each other... Great! 
So, thank you, Zoe, for organizing this and thank you to every one who was there!

1 comment:

  1. My favorite part about MMM is the "slice of life" shots from around the world. Language barriers fall away and we see that people are people, doing mostly the same normal things--but with different backdrops.
