Just over a month ago I was lucky enough to visit the fabric trade show Tex World (orginized by the Frankfurt Messe, but held near Paris. And just doable as a one-day trip from where I live) with M (M is the designer of pioneering eco-brand ecocouture. unfortunately, she doesn't have a webshop but on her site you can see some of her designs, some of which sewn up and all the current ones photographed by yours truly).
While we were there, we came across a Dutch fabric importer who had some sewing magazines at the stand. Pattern junkies we are, we took those with us. But, pattern making junkie I am, the chance of me actually making anything from these magazines is next to zero, and they don't include any amazingly clever details which I want to look at time and time again. At least, to me they don't.
So, I have decided that I should pass these on to a more appreciative audience.
These are not full-size magazines like Burda, but I will show and tell you about them.
The first one is My Image, which was reviewed here, by Melissa from Fehr trade. I think she might be a better judge of this kind of magazine than I am. Because of her post, I know that this was not a one-of publication in collaboration with a fabric importer, but an actual magazine which appears twice a year. It is published with instructions in Dutch, English, French and German.

It contains these designs, all of them either in size 36 to 44 or in 38 to 46.
And that's according to this sizing table.
The other magazine is called Stitch & Sew and I know nothing about it which is not in the magazine itself. However, to me, the instruction pages, pattern sheets and sizing look a lot like Knipmode's.
Stitch & Sew, despite its title and the text on the cover, comes with instructions in Dutch and German only. The other special thing is that it has patterns not just for women but also for kids. For girls and for boys. Am I right in thinking that boy's patterns can be hard to find?
Without further ado, these are the designs. Top row is for women, the first four designs in the second row are for boys, the rest for girls.
Women's patterns come in sizes 34 to 46, according to this sizing table.
Stupidly, the magazine doesn't include a kids' sizing table but all children's patterns are for sizes 104 to 134. I downloaded this sizing table from the Knipmode website. It's for their children's wear publication Knippie, and I think the sizes will match Stitch & Sew's very well (the women's sizing table is an exact match).
I will give both of these magazines away, and I am prepared to ship them anywhere (it just seems unfair not to...). To participate, just leave a comment to this post. Two important things: 1. you must either have your profile, with an email-link, public to blogger-users like me, or include an email adress. 2. Tell me which magazine you want. I plan on using a random number generator, but, given the relative rarity of children's (and mostly boy's) patterns, I am looking for a way of giving extra chance to those of you who need those. And remember that, to sew from 'Stitch & Sew' you should either know Dutch or German, or not need sewing instructions at all...
You can enter until the first of April.