May 5, 2014

En Vogue part 2

Quite a few of you liked the images from the American Vogue magazine from 15 May 1915, so I thought I'd show you the rest of the fashion-related pictures from it.

Here, we see society ladies play model for their designers for a charity event.

Ladies like this one.

These pictures have to do with the 'Vogue fashion fete' which, by the looks of it, was about fashion history as well.

And these lovely ladies were actresses.

Oh, and it's still the May issue and we're thinking about traveling. Blouses are a useful addition to anyone's travel wardrobe.

Every girl needs shoes, doesn't she?

These lovely ladies illustrate the cross-over between Asian and western fashion. Very elegant.

And more actresses, in stage-clothes,

and posing in normal fashion.

Then, we get some proof that not all of Vogue's readers were society ladies: fashions for a modest budget, what's in the stores now...

And something near and dear to our hearts: Vogue's pattern service. Such lovely designs... How cool would it be if we could still back-order them today?


  1. I love history of sewing/fashion and just plain history of stuff. It reminds me that while the fashion changes that we are essentially the same as our ancestors. We love to dress up and to look nice while fitting in.

  2. Wonderful! Thank you for posting!
